The Idea for GunSkins was Started from a Hunting Experience Gone Wrong

Going into business was never something that was on the forefront of my mind. I just love hunting and I love shopping around for the right gear and apparel that makes shooting in the woods the best experience possible. However, it was a result of a poor experience that led me to ask the question: why isn't there a solution for my particular problem? To be more specific, why isn't there an quick and inexpensive way for match my rifle to the rest of my camouflage gear?
The Story
I carefully nestled into the rough combination of sage and timber, located at the base of a rocky bluff. Sunrise had yet to come up on this particular January morning, my first hunt of the year. I was ready, my call and decoy were located just where I wanted them. As soon as the sunlight was peeking through and providing more light, I briefly saw the blur which was a coyote dashing through the sage not 600 yards away. My decoy was working as it was luring him closer and closer. This was going to be an easy one, I thought to myself.
Boy was I wrong. About 400 yards out he suddenly stops and looks at my direction. Did he see me? I didn't have time to answer that. I aimed my AR-15 in his direction, but it was too late. He was gone. Where did I go wrong? I was decked in camouflage from head to toe, concealed to the environment and in perfect position. Then the painful answer was obvious when I inspected my weapon. My AR-15 Rifle featured a stainless barrel and scope, which is great for durability but the sunlight must have hit it just right and given my position away.
Rifle Skin (A-TACS IX)
The Origin of the Concept
Then it hit me. How could I apply a camouflage finish to my scope that wouldn't cost an arm and a leg? Not only that, but I also needed something that was durable, able to withstand the day to day abuse that I put my guns through. I looked at existing options, such as hydro graphics, Cerakote, and vinyl wrap kits. Vinyl was the most economical solution, but using it to wrap a gun was still new territory. So I started experimenting and researching, which inevitably led from one thing to another.
By partnering with reliable production partners and officially licensed camouflage brands, I created GunSkins as the solution for my problem. The material I use is extremely flexible, a heat stretch not heat shrink. It's ideal for small curves, edges, and recessed corners. Vinyl was commonly used to wrap cars and trucks, but I made it work for a new application: guns and gear. I developed precut kits from the ground up, focusing on popular firearms such as AR-15s, AK-47s, pistols and more. It was important for me to offer something that was easy to install and would last a long time.
GunSkins has humble beginnings. Like, we too started in our garage. We are a small business in a small town, and we think this helps make each and every customer feel like their order was personal and appreciated. We are always open for suggestions and take pride in our customer service. Since our launch in 2013, we have grown out of our garage and now mass produce our kits on a large scale and ship worldwide. What hasn't changed, however, is the fact that every GunSkins kit is still proudly made in the USA.
AR-15 Rifle Skin (Kryptek Highlander)
The Solution
Vinyl wraps may be less expensive than some of the other gun finishes out there, but that does not mean our product is cheap. We use only the highest quality vinyl for our kits, providing you with durability, color guarantee, and 100% waterproof. Another advantage is that GunSkins are non-permanent, unlike some of the other options. The vinyl can be removed to allow for a different pattern to fit the season. I believe in our product so much, I decided to offer a lifetime warranty for every kit.
The vinyl protects the surface of your gun, but the camouflage pattern protects you in the field. It was important for us to offer only the best and most popular names in camouflage, such as A-TACS, Kryptek, Realtree, and more. That way, you can match the GunSkins wrap to apparel and gear of the same pattern. That would have changed the outcome of my coyote hunt, for sure.
Shotgun Skin (Prym1 Multi-Purpose)
Many other gun finishes require sending your gun away or waiting hours or days for the finished product to be usable. That didn't sit well with me. I designed GunSkins with the end user in mind, as a simple DIY project that can be accomplished in just a few hours. I'm not just saying that to pitch a sale. My personal gun safe is filled with firearms and magazines all wrapped in GunSkins. This is something I use in my personal life year round.
GunSkins has taken me to places I never thought I would ever go. Our recent booth at SHOT SHOW in Las Vegas has encouraged me and my work. All of the reception has been positive and I still love it just as much as our customers! I am proof that this works. My subsequent hunting trips have not been as disappointing as it was that early January morning. That was the last one that got away as a result of hunting with an unwrapped gun.
will your gun skins adhere to polyethylene? Thanks
Do you plan on expanding the Glock products to include 43/43x? I realize I could probably cut down the G19 option but my arthritic hands are not so good with precision cutting any more.
Looking for something to cover a AR-9 . Do you offer that?
Do you have skins for a 38 revolver
Is it possible you might have something that would fit a AR-10? I have a few AR-10s
Just wrapped my Beretta Silver Mallard in Realtek Max 5. Turned out beautiful. Take your time, degrease and use alcohol as final wipe down and the results rock.
Mike, we offer sheets in various sizes. Our large measures 8″ × 50″ but if that’s not enough the next size up is the XL, which measures 24″ × 50″, which will certainly get the job done and then some!
Do you have a skin large enough to cover the Umarex 50 caliber?
I have used your product on a couple of my guns and they look real good and dressed up. Would you be willing to donate any of your products to our Ducks Unlimited banquet it would be a great way to get your product some exposure? Our Washington County Ducks Unlimited banquet is May 5th 2022. If you need any more information let me know. Thank you for your consideration.
Chris Reinke
814 Dakota Dr
Hartford, WI 53027
Thank you so much. I can’t wait.
Stay tuned, Brittany, we’ve got something in the works that will allow you to upload your own sunflower designs for a custom skin.
Can you do a sunflower for a AR?
Something tells me that Disney would not allow a license of their IP for use on a firearm accessory. Sorry, Guy!
My wife saw a Mickey Mouse gun on Pinterest. Can you make a Mickey Mouse skin or do you know someone that can.
Put in my order on Dec 2nd and was supposed to receive in 7 – 10 days.Apparently it didnt get in the mail until this past Tuesday.Now FedEx is saying they have no clue where its at.How do we proceed?
Haven’t gotten my first skin yet but the customer service so far is pretty great. Had a question and they answered within 15 minutes. This is the kind of business I like to support. Definitely excited to do my first gun and see how it turns out. If it’s as good as advertised I’ll do all my rifles. The variety of patterns really surprised me. Seems like they have about any kind of pattern you could want.
Michael, we’ll follow-up via email and see what kind of opportunities lie ahead for us.
I’m interested in your product for possible use on a new product (patent pending). I’d like to speak with someone about options and non-disclosure for open discussion. Please email me back at your earliest convenience. Thanking you in advance with kind regards,
Shaq, our AR-15 Rifle Skin can be used to wrap the pistol variant. There may be a few areas where the trimming will be different, but for the most part the installation is 1:1.
Do y’all have ar15 pistol skin wrap?